Friday, September 19, 2014

Hearken to me, Hearties : Heartache


Yes. I’m emotional.

 No. I’m not feeling blue.

Many consider “heartache” as an emotion when you go through a break up. For them – Take a funnel, look through the narrow side , widen your perspective of life. For me, as of now, heartache can be very much comparable to nostalgia. Comparable. Not the same .

When you are at home and do nothing but eat, sleep and waste your parents’ money , you’ll realize that you have loads of time to think. Think about what you did, what you are doing, and what you are gonna do. Me? I’m at the “what you did “phase now.

Heartache is whenever you think of your friends. I feel it would be natural if you lived like how we did, for two years. We would be together for almost 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 104 weeks in total. Holidays meant 3 days at home. Not a day more than that. Run back to hostels, be with others. From a routine like this, to 12 hours of TV a day, or 12 hours of working a day, or 12 hours of writing proposals (Research Proposals. Not Wedding proposals) (I do the TV part.) – sucks. Absolutely.

Heartache is when you see your loved ones struggle. Those who deserve don’t get what they deserve. I am not in interested in any kind of research. My friends would die to be a research associate somewhere. But, I get 2 different opportunities. And the authorities who ask me , tell me strictly that I’m not to suggest these openings to any others. Those who are worthy, those who deserve, wait for eternity. This is heartache.

Heartache is when you literally cannot stop thinking about lost friends. For me, especially one. From stranger to friend in weeks, from friend to best friend in days, from best friend to stranger in moments. The stuff we used to talk, the way we used to talk, the lengths of our talk. I’ve lost many a friend. But, by leaving, none made an impact as she did (a void , too). And I understood one more thing. You’ll get new friends. But, none will ever replace them. (Not a GF, I assure.)

Heartache is when you realize that even though you have a bunch of friends who were with you in every ups and downs, you’ll feel lonely. Saving up something thinking to share with someone, and then realizing that there is no someone ! (Like the First World Problem memes.)

 But, I would say that there is a cheerful side to heartaches too ! Something like a joyful sorrow.

Seeing the ads for the new Cadbury Silk Caramel and thinking about how I used to have Silk Chocolate with a couple of people , early in the morning (at times , without brushing our teeth , too ! ), dipping in coffee. Those times , when we used to give each other a silk, almost always when we go home or return . Just a 10 sec long ad. But, gives more than 10 minutes of heartache.

Getting up at 10 A.M in the morning and thinking of the times when I used to get up and go jogging with N . Thinking of the times when all of us used to get up at 5 in the morning, head to the beach, sit there , talk and watch the sun come up.

Going through pictures. The pictures we took when all those who matter to me came for my Bro’s wedding. The fun, the dance, the songs, late night dumbcharades, the sightseeing.
 The pictures we took when we went to Alampara fort. (MnM , I and V couldn’t be there as they are HPP Extreme.) 10 people, 5 motorcycles, a 50 km drive on the ECR Scenic Beachway (A highway beside the sea). Followed by the ruins of a Mughal fort, a waist deep lake ,crossing which you’d reach an almost white sand beach with dunes. The last trip we went together, before we left for our homes. That day evening itself, people started leaving. (P left that day. Rekha and S , left a couple of days later, after taking care to flood the entire area.)

Thinking about the crushes I had in the last two years , including the most strongest one I’ve ever had. (But, it was stopped at that stage itself. LOL. ) . The strongest one, includes a very romantic movie like scene on the Rock Beach (Only from my point of view . LOL again. :D ) with the OST of the mallu movie Thattathin Marayath as the background (In my mind, of course.), followed by drama, drama , more drama and finally, curtain falls.

Good or bad, heartache leaves you with a tinge of sadness in your mind. If the happy ones make you feel more sad, then , you’ve lived a good life.

Good Bye !  

P.S :- Emotional and not blue – refers to my current state of mind. Not always. For Einsteins, “blue” doesn’t refer to the color blue, the other blue.

 P.P.S :- I don’t mean to say that those of my acquaintances who have achieved something do not deserve it. If someone felt so, read what I wrote. Not what I didn’t write.

P.P.P.S :- More clarification on P.P.S – People should learn to develop more sense. They shouldnt start taking stuff too literally. When I say “blah blah blah, you’ve lived a good life”, it doesn’t mean that only that person has lived a good life. Jesus said that he will destroy the temple and rebuild it in 3 days. He was referring to his body. But, since he was a tad too philosophical, the people took what he said literally, and charged him with blasphemy. Things did not end well for both parties. So, even though nothing of this magnitude will happen if you happen to take what I say literally , simply, cultivate the habit, people . Cultivate the habit.   

Monday, September 8, 2014

Hearken to me, Hearties : Onam !

Yesterday happens to be the 22nd Onam I've seen. LOL And LOL ! (Youll get the explanation for list later in the post.)First and foremost, Ill tell one thing. Im pretty much high on Jaggery, so, forgive if I happen to be weird :3
So, back to the subject Onam !
Lemme give yall a small intro about what is known as Onam !
 Long , long, long ago , there lived a king called Mahabali. All those who know mallus (Rekha, for sure) will acknowledge that we have a tendency to keep many names for a particular item. Same here. Mahabali, also known as Maveli (Not Machiavelli, Maveli. ), was the just-est of kings, according to the Mallu Mythology. When he ruled over the people, it was said that all knew what peace was. No lies, no false promises , in fact , Shangri-La (I asked MS Word if Utopia meant what I meant. It suggested the meaning, along with this Shangri La. I wouldve gone forward with Utopia, but, who am I to contradict Bill Gates ! ).  
So, Shangri-La . The historians have taken pains to tell us that the mallus , under Mavelis rule never used to do any kind of stuff , which , er, present day mallus do ! They even used to weigh stuff properly (in grocery stores, I guess) and sell , It seems (I dont understand what is the point they are trynna state, though.)
Maveli was ruling in an awesome manner, and as usual , the Gods got jealous. I guess they were like - Dude ! whos this guy ? Come on ! The people love him ! It aint fair ! We should do to something !! We should mess up things for him ! So, they send Lord Vishnu (GoT fans Lord = God. Not like Lord Snow or Lord Tywin). Lord Vishnu, takes the form of a Brahmin, known as Vamanan, one among his 9 incarnations.
One fine day, Maveli was conducting a yaga . The yaga, if completed successfully , would make Maveli, an Asura, even glorious and greater than the Devas. According to the rules and regulations, the person who is conducting the yaga, is supposed to fulfill the needs of any person/Brahmin (im not sure) who approaches him. So, Mr. Vamanan approaches Maveli and asks him for 3 feet of land. Maveli (has to ! ) agrees. It is said that Vamanan grew bigger. Even bigger than gaints. Soooo big, that he covered whole of Earth and Heaven and all places known to man, in just two steps. Now, Maveli is in a fix. Vamanan asked for 3 . He needs 3 . So, ever humble, Maveli kneels and tells Vamanan to keep the third step on his own head. He does, and he is sent to Pathalam . (Underworld . I guess. )If you consider religion as a house, the Gods live on the first floor Heavens, the people on the ground floor Earth and , all the unwanted beings in the Basement Pathalam/Underworld.
So. Once a year, Maveli is allowed to come to Earth and and visit his people, the mallus. That day, we celebrate as Onam. We mallus clean our houses and surroundings (I dont. They say, one shouldnt change for people. So, if Maveli wants to visit my room, the way it is, he is welcome. Else, Sayonara. ) We make floral designs (Using rock salt or grated cocnut, of course.) , we have a feast. Mallus do the last item with utmost sincerity Feast. In Malayalam, - Sadya.
Ill talk a little about Sadya, too !
We eat on leaves. Big , green, clean banana leaves.
We have a 5 course meal including deserts, Mallu shtyle.
The only day when all Mallu families sit together and eat.
So, Ill give a tour of a sadya. The sadya I had for lunch, today.

Step 1 Take the big, green, clean banana leaves as told above.

Step 2 :  Start with Pappadam (Pappad,Kannad these north and central Indians !! Hopeless ! ), Chips and so on ..

Step 3 : Keep on adding dishes .. Pickles to the left most corner , veggies towards right.

Step 4 : Keep on adding .... 

Step 5 : Keep on adding (I'm getting tired of this .-_-)

Step 6 :As the Last step in serving, add Rice , topped with Dal curry, a little ghee. 

Step 7 : Crush some pappadam,add to the rice, start eating your way through the leaf. (Eat the contents. Not the leaf.) 

Step 8 : As desert , eat these 3 beauties. Anyone, I say, anyone, will go high on  jaggery.

Step 9 : Finish off with a *burp*  (This was the burp with which I started.: D) 

Ciao . Valar Morghulis , and may the Force be with you. 

PS : This happens to be the feast which I had for lunch, yesterday. 

PPS :  We had a total of 22 dishes, 3 payasams ,ie, sweets . And we are supposed to lick our leaves , clean. (Not literally lick. Well, feel free if you would
 like to. 

PPPS : I have not meant to disrespect any feelings, be it cultural or religious. Jus , have some fun , people !! YOLO !!!.